Involtini di carne alla Calabrese

When I prepare this dish here in Vienna where I live, my guests get crazy because it’s simply delicious and full of taste. Although it might seem an easy recipe to make, it’s important to choose the right meat. The filling I chose for this dish is pretty calabrian: the Schiacciata, a cured meat typical from the region I come from.

One preparation, two courses: A spaghettata is what you want to do with the amazing sauce you’re gonna get! I promise you.

INGREDIENTS for 4 servings:

  • 4/6 beef cutlets
  • 12 slices of Schiacciata salami
  • 12 slices provola cheese
  • basil
  • 1 small onion
  • 2/3 olive oil spoons
  • 1 glass/ 1cup red dry wine
  • 500 ml/ 2 cups tomato puree
  • 500gr/ 2 cups peeled tomatoes
  • 100 ml/ 1/3 water


To prepare this dish you need to use 4 to 6 thin slices of veal if you feel the slices are thick use a meat mallet to get equal thickness to ensure the meat cooks evenly.

Right at the beginning I get rid of the fat but this depends strongly on the cut you choose for the beef braciole.

I use my meat mallet to make the slice thinner and I cover them with some cling film before doing it because I don’t want to make a hole into the meat.

When I’m ready with flattening the meat slices, I start preparing  the filling. I lay 1 or 2 slices of the schiacciata, the salami typical from Calabria, then some cheese, and I use provola. I roll the slices into a cylinder and I tuck them to secure the filling with a toothpick.

When I have all my row rolls I season them with some salt and pepper and I start preparing the sauce.
In a pot, I chop some basil and half an onion with 2 spoons of olive oil. I let the rolls brown until they are nice and gold, just then I’ll add the wine and I use 1 cup of dry red wine.

Let the wine reduce before adding the tomato sauce and add also some water, just a bit, exactly what you need to clean up the jar or the bottle.

Let it cook for about 50 minutes on a low-medium heat with a lid on top and enjoy the dish with a Spaghettata and some cheese on top.

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